Music in the Air

By Prometheus Lewis, Vincent Cochran, Mitchell Graves & Regina Johnson

Friday was on his brand new computer with his best friend Tuesday and they were making some music together. Friday was acting crabby but he didn’t exactly know why. He had a lot on his mind. They had grand plans to hang around all day and work on some music for their boss. So far all they came up with was a rotten egg. Suddenly a bunch of birds came out of nowhere and started attacking the window trying to break in. Things began to get very wavy with the birds. Friday and Tuesday decided to crank things up a little. They reached for the volume knob and the force field got stronger as the music got louder. Friday started singing along to “Party All the Time.” He started feeling the beat and Friday began moving and grooving. He started to feel happier and happier. Tuesday pointed at the door, “Let the birds in!” The birds brought in a beat of their own and soon everyone joined Friday with his grooving.  They moved to the left and then moved to the right, but what was the right direction? Suddenly thugs burst into the room and killed the soul of the music. An anaconda slithered out of the speakers and everything fell to the floor. The party was dead. Friday was frustrated and angry; he was feeling so good while the music was playing. He went to pick up the microphone to try and stop the chaos. Soon Friday’s voice filled the room and people started to pay attention, even the thugs were listening. The bird’s stopped being freaked out and they started to groove again too. Friday felt a funny feeling and he realized the music’s soul had come back again.